Meet the team!

We asked our team a few questions to get to know them better. See what they had to say.




What makes you happy? One of my favorite past times is relaxing on a beach surrounded by calm waters. However, the small everyday things such as waking up to the sun shining, spending time with family and friends and painting also bring tremendous joy to my heart.

What 3 things would you take if you were deserted on an island? My family, my paint supplies and of course a flint (learned that from watching Survivor).

Piece of advice to share? To recognize that the difficulties we face in life, allow us to grow from that experience and that we can strengthen ourselves from that growth.




What makes you happy? That’s a hard one to answer - there are so many things….SURPRISES! I love surprises. Also, really great conversations, getting lost in a book, exploring new places, outdoor adventures, creating and sharing beautiful, nourishing, delicious meals, good coffee, charming bakeries, being around others who are sincere, honest, and happy.

What’s your favourite food? The edible kind - I love food, all food, I don’t discriminate.

Piece of advice to share? Be good, do good, have faith - do only these 3 things everyday and you are pretty much guaranteed a life well-lived.




What 3 things would you take if you were deserted on an island? A book that never ends, white board and pen (can that count as 1?), and the Qur’an (my holy book) with exegesis - maybe then I will finally have enough time to read the entire book!

How do you prefer to start or end your day? I like to - and the pandemic has allowed me to - start the morning in solitude. At this time I like to pray/meditate, go over my day, write in my gratitude journal, and if I am mindful then I will not waste my time on my phone but will read. I like to end my day all cosy in bed with a good book.

Piece of advice to share? Love thyself and be kind to thyself. Live in the moment - the past is done, we cannot bring it back but we can take lessons from it, and worrying about the future will not change it.




If you could snap your fingers and be an expert in anything, what would that be? There are a variety of different things I would like to be an expert in, however my top two would be; having inspired and divine knowledge on Islamic jurisprudence and being a professional tennis player.

 If you could live anywhere, where would it be? I would choose between two very different places; one would be an Islamic state such as Mecca, Medina or Iraq and the other would be Italy due to its culture, food and the people. I always joke that I should have been born as an Italian Muslim.

 Piece of advice: Always try to help others (whether it be that little old lady crossing the street or a wounded animal) because no matter how hard life maybe for you at this moment; and it will eventually get better with time, hope and faith, there is always someone who is struggling even more… so a helping hand or two will go a long way.


We at humanKIND are passionate about helping others in need. We know that a simple act of kindness can have a profound impact on individuals, especially those who are dealing with trauma and feeling isolated. Through our various initiatives, we create opportunities to help bring people together, connect, learn and have fun.


Working to achieve a shared goal is far more powerful when we do it together.

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